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How To Become A Storyboard Artist
Storyboard Artist
Storyboard artists can be defined as someone who specializes in creating a sequence of illustrations to visualize interactive media. Although storyboards are primarily used by advertising and film production, the storyboard concept can be applied for many other functions that may benefit from the process. For example, uses for storyboards today include web design, software development, recording meeting minutes, reporting, screenwriting, and more.
Anyone who has extensive experience sketching can learn to be a storyboard or story artist. Agencies are not looking for the best artist, but a professional with a firm understanding of story art and narrative as a necessary layer in the production process. Obviously, solid drawing skills are a must, but artists are urged not to overthink details that can slow down pre-production timelines.
An artist new to storyboarding does not need formal training, but it unquestionably helps and is strongly recommended. Any formal training can help an artist get comfortable with the flow of storyboarding, and having a solid understanding of business, acting and filmmaking is a positive. There are informative step-by-step instructions and sample storyboard templates online that can help new artists get started and to better outline what the practice entails.
Most Storyboard artists are freelancers, which mean personal discipline is mandatory. Storyboard artists typically work alone unless borrowed to sit-in on meetings or conference calls to ensure synergy in a campaign. Some story artists work well at night; others prefer to work outside with natural light, but one thing is evident: procrastination and distractions are a valid obstacle.
For more information about finding a Storyboard artist please contact Famous Frames