Storyboard Artists

Artist Ability

Storyboard Artist

Working In Different Mediums

Storyboard artists can be useful for almost any medium including:

  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Filmmaking
  • Financial
  • Theater
  • Business
  • Video Games
  • Other campaigns that require visualization

Steve Jobs

Working On Demand

Especially in advertising, storyboard artists are often called upon to create on demand. When an artist is called into a meeting producers expect a rough sketch of what the finished TV commercial, or spot, will look like to persuade and engage the client to buy the concept being pitched. If the client wants revisions, the artist may be required to drop everything to create a reiteration that more closely meets the client’s expectations.

Freelancer Agent Relationship

Most storyboard artist, illustrators or visualizers chooses to work on a freelance model because of the nature of the business. Typically hired by art and film directors storyboard artists typically have a demanding schedule. Tight deadlines and working overnight working are commonplace and often expected. Typically freelance storyboard artists will belong to one or more storyboard agencies such as Famous Frames.


Storyboard Artist Supplies

  • Art pencils
  • Art Markers
  • Digital Camera
  • Photoshop
  • Adobe Flash
  • Corel Painter/ Paint Shop Pro
  • Storyboard Software